Why Developing the Ability of Staff? (Part II)

A company recruits an employee. It is equal to purchasing more expensive goods than a Mercedes-Benz.
Employing one with the wage of 3,500,000 yen per year for ten years is equal to purchasing a Rolls-Royce at 35,000,000 yen.
I think it's most luxurious for one to let others work.
Saving one stuff by 10 employee is also similar to purchasing a Rolls-Royce. And rising up 10% efficiency by 10 stuff brings the same result on purchasing several Mercedes-Benzes.
When an employer compare an employee with a high-class vehicle, what kind of difference do they notice?
A high-class vehicle may bring more convinience and more coolness to him or her. But it can't earn money.
On the other hand, a human can exert the various abilities by developing them. A vehcle is just a mateial. On the contrary, one can develop the capability of thinking and earn more money usefully.
The ability to think includes infinite possibility. The theme of company is seeking for rationality. So profit depends on the thought of stuff in each sections.
If humans only work like machinery, it's much more efficient to substitute real machinery for the human. Infinite possibility is from rising up the power of thinking.
I think that "human development" means training stuff who not only seek for efficiency but also challenge various possibilities.

Sweat, who can't have wisdom. Leave here, who can't sweat too.