Give and take

"Give and take" means first allowing the other party to make a profit and then receiving a profit in return.
People who give large profits to others will receive large profits in return.
Similarly, people who give joy to others will receive joy from others. This should be the basis of any good relationship between people.
Or in other words, people who don't give joy to others will become lonely and uncared for.
Of course it's easy to talk about giving joy or profit to others, but much harder to put into practice.
The easiest way is to look out for people in trouble.
Any person can feel happiness from helping people in need. Business should start from this principle.
To help or serve others, you need to have both sincerity and wisdom.
Wisdom is a product of sincerity. The secret of generating great ideas is to put yourself in the positions of others.
People tend to sink into low spirits when they face difficulties. Often in such situations, an outsider can see the problem more clearly than those directly involved.
A good philosophical view of business might be that "others do things for you so that you can do things for others." It is an inescapable fact that human beings cannot survive without helping each other.

The extent of our happiness can be judged by the extent to which we help others.