With hardship comes opportunity

If an animal is unhappy, it cannot be aware of its unhappiness. Animals can only try to adapt to situations.
But when human beings become unhappy or face hardship, they can think about their problems from different angles, and consider a variety of ways to deal with them. Whenever human beings face hardship they can learn something that will help them to continue growing and progressing as people.
However, despite the precious opportunity of being born as a human, some people not only fail to think about solving their problems, but also try to avoid facing their difficulties.
This is probably because they haven't acquired the habit of thinking. As people get busier in life they tend to find less and less time to think. If we develop the habit of creative thinking, however, we can deal flexibly with most of the situations that confront us as they happen.
It's certainly easy to just adapt to situations unthinkingly. But if we choose the easy way even once, not only are our hardships likely to continue, but we are likely to meet new difficulties one after another.
Human beings should reflect seriously on the causes of their hardships and look for ways to deal with them, even when the hardships are severe.
Sometimes we need to isolate ourselves to think alone. Other times it's better to ask the people around us for advice. Sometimes it's best to think through a problem together with many people. What's important is to develop a rhythm in our thinking and learn to enjoy solving problems.
If we become skilled at thinking, then whenever we face hardship we will feel joy, and our heads will become clearer. In fact, there are certain people who shine whenever they confront difficulties.
The ideal human way of life is not to wait for fortune to fall accidentally to us, but rather to seek out hardships and create opportunities out of them. Such a way of life allows us to grow and progress limitlessly.

People tend to stop thinking when they are in easy situations. But through repeated suffering and reflection, unlimited opportunities are generated.