Companies are made up of individuals

Companies are different to homes.
In a home, family members take care of each other, help each other and relax together. Companies, on the other hand, are not places of relaxation.
Companies are not like clubs where members enjoy engaging in activities and hobbies with others.
They are not volunteer organizations where people offer selfless service with faith in the innate goodness of human beings.
Companies are places of struggle for survival.
Superficially, companies may look like an organization whose members act only out of good will. However, if company employees relax their guard, they risk being overtaken by others, resulting in their demise as an employee. In addition, company employees do not work as kind-hearted volunteers. They come to work to battle to protect their personal livelihoods and to protect their companies. Similarly, employers do not offer jobs to their workers out of mere kindness. They use their employees to achieve profits. So unless employees and employers can continue to help each other achieve profits, their relationship cannot be sustained.
Yet, sometimes, these basic realities are forgotten, and work becomes motivated by human kindness. Though this may make us feel good, sooner or later contradictions and conflicts will arise and torment us.
Thus, companies must be as rational as possible. Company members must keep in mind the hard-and-fast rule that companies should be hard-hearted. Strictness is most important. Past experience clearly shows that if companies allow too much humanitarianism or tolerate excessive inter-dependence among their members, this becomes like a little hole in the fabric of the company that will lead to the eventual ruin of the whole company.
It is said, however, that companies are essentially made up of their individual workers. Since a company is operated collectively by human beings, the personalities of these people will inevitably be projected in the work of the company. Even if employees are ordered to maintain a hard-hearted and rational approach, they can't help infusing their work with their personal humanity.
Companies that are overly cold and calculating in their approach to business tend to fail. To avoid this, companies should make use of the true personalities of all of their employees. In addition, all the members should avoid any hypocrisy in their attitudes to their work.
An interesting feature of business is that the real nature of people always comes out on the battlefields of business where people fight to further and protect their interests.
Recently, there has been growing support for the belief in the importance of giving every employee an opportunity to take part in the management of a company.
If all of employees participate in corporate management as espoused by the above mentioned idea, and if they can work with a united spirit, then a company will undoubtedly continue to flourish and expand with increased power..

Work is hard and severe. In the tough, exacting environment of work, the personalities of workers have a chance to mature and become refined. The company will grow in proportion with the success of this process.