New Directions in Business Strategies

Shops that have a good atmosphere are successful.
Having a good atmosphere, however, isn't always enough to be successful.
I think, however, that shops that can make their customers feel happy will surely do good business.
Thus, from now on, businesses should seriously investigate the question of how to offer happiness to their customers.
How to do this? Well, first you have to know what your customers value in their lives. Otherwise you won't have a complete picture of them. Only when you make a serious effort to try and understand your customers in depth will you be able to see their diverse qualities and characteristics. And only then will you be able to start understanding how to meet their needs.
The basic and first step must be to understand your customers better than anyone else.
If you can reach the stage where you know your customers even better than they know themselves, you will be able to efficiently provide them with exactly the service they need, which I would like to name "pin-point service."
Naturally, different people have subtly different values and preferences. Only after you provide meticulous service while keeping these differences in mind, will you be able to satisfy all your customers fully.
Feelings of happiness start from satisfaction.
After satisfaction, the next source of happiness is hope. People naturally feel happy when they are hopeful.
People cannot live without hope. Hope is the most important factor in life. Therefore, I believe that one of the directions business people should follow from now is to help customers to be able to feel hope.
The industrial age is now over, and the information age is beginning. Many people feel at a loss as to how to lead their lives in this new age.
Therefore, has the time already come to reconsider from scratch the way we do business?

The customers of today are looking for both satisfaction and hope.
I believe the idea that the meaning of business is to compete to offer satisfaction and hope to customers will become common sense in the business world.