The difference between a child and an adult

A rather incompetent employee catches a terrible cold yet, with effort he manages to turn up at the office.
With a hacking cough he battles away at his work and ends up spreading his cold, one by one, to the people around him. The result is that the company finds itself in dire straits.
Yet, this hapless employee feels no sense of wrongdoing towards the company. Rather, he can think only of the hardship he has endured to get to the office and face up to work. Not even bothering to wear a mask, he shows no concern for the people around him.
People who behave in such a self-centered way are not capable of feeling natural human shame.
I believe that this is because they hold the childish view that the people around them exist by their favor.
Real adults, on the other hand, see themselves as existing by the favor of those around them.
It is often said that for a company to sustain itself, employees must generate at least three times their salary in income for the company. Mature employees would reflect with a concern whether their actions place the company budget gin the redh from the standpoint of the company. In addition, it should be simple common sense for adults, realizing that if they catch a cold, for example, they can jeopardize the well-being of the people around them, to try to take care of their health from day to day.
This being only an example of how mature people think, people who feel that they exist by othersf favor tend to take a completely different approach to life.
One can easily ascertain the basic character of people by observing how they take care of those around them. How people take care of others perhaps reflects the difference between an adult and a child.
While the human body automatically grows into that of an adult, people would not stop disgracing themselves in life if they did not make a conscious effort to develop their mental character.

Due to their nature, children think only of themselves. But as people grow up they utter the words gthanks to youh more often. This is because step by step they come to see just how much they owe to the service of others.