Self-confidence changes people

One of the charms of flight attendants is their self-confident smile.
The smiling face of a confident person, whether man or woman, is charming and radiant.
However, when a person's self-confidence is tainted by even a trace of arrogance, his or her face becomes ugly rather than charming. A measure of modesty behind one's confidence is essential.
Confidence is the mental attitude of a person who believes in his or her ability to do something.
The facial expressions of people who have such a mental attitude reflect a positive mindset of moving forward and the radiance of hope.
It is true that a fresh flower is indeed beautiful, but a vibrant human face is more beautiful.
Some people are dissatisfied with the state of their lives and make efforts to change it. By being dissatisfied with themselves as they are, their minds, and hence their faces, become dark. They become depressed and are eventually unable to continue their efforts for a long time.
One way they can avoid this fate is to praise themselves to themselves. By so doing, they can cheer themselves up and maintain their will to change for a long time.
If you believe yourself to be worthless, sooner or later you will really become as worthless as you believe yourself to be.
If you confidently believe yourself to be capable, some day you will surely become as capable as you believe yourself to be.
However, if you are content to remain just as you are, you will surely fall into the trap of over-confidence.
At the times you believe yourself to be far from perfect, you can be humble enough to listen happily to the advice and opinions of other people.
Those who feel the need to improve themselves never get depressed when they hear comments about themselves, even if they are harsh.
Out of a confident attitude, embodied in the beliefs, "Just one more step!"or "I can do it!", will be born a mental strength to make the seemingly impossible possible.
That's why I believe that self-confidence is the very key to change oneself and to be a success.

Depending on how we think of ourselves, we can change ourselves in any way we choose, I believe.