Restructuring: Shedding the easy options

Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, said that a snake that doesnft shed its skin is doomed to ruin.
An organization is structured according to the exact requirements and conditions prevailing at the time it exists. Therefore, unless it is restructured over time in response to external changes, it will be eventually be ruined.
Right now, throughout the world, peoplefs sense of values is undergoing profound changes.
But, because we always look for the easy way out, human beings tend to consider that things have been going well up to now, and to prefer to a wait and see how things will shape up. They do not volunteer to take on new challenges.
In reality, however, it never is the case that because things have been going along fine up to now, they will continue to do so. Such a way of thinking comes from a lazy and dishonest approach to life.
The most basic unit constituting the human society is the family. Nowadays, what a family should be is also being questioned.
Family members must consider the problem of how to manage their family according to the state it is in at any given time: When it consists of a husband and fife, they can do it from the view of only the two. When a child is born, they must think differently. And when the children grow, how they manage their family must change accordingly
Some say that if parents want to bring up children who do well at school they should give them a share of housework, through which they are given some sort of responsibility in the family.
Excessive respect of the will of children will make them too selfish to be handled properly by their parents. Another bad example is seen in children who only obey their parents, like a robot or machine. They appear at a glance to be models of virtue, but they will end up as the weakest of human beings.
Each individual member of an organization must be self-reliant, independently spirited, bright and lively. This principle must apply not only to a family but also to other organizations.
For the human body to be healthy, the first condition is to activate each individual cell in it. The same holds true for any type of organization. Unless an organization tries to do its best to make best use of each and every member, its members will not be able to grow naturally as human beings.
At the present time, when we are facing the collapse of our economy of abundance, I feel that the latent talents and abilities of people are on the verge of reawakening.