You Wonft Lose Your Job Doing This

Computerization is advancing rapidly.
Computers have the ability to conduct given jobs a hundred times or ten thousand times faster and more accurately than human beings do.
And because itfs so much cheaper to introduce computers than to continue employing human beings, all business managers are considering promoting computerization in their companies.
If a situation occurs where everything that human beings can do can be done by computers, then the number of jobless people would be far greater than now.
If the work you are now doing is the sort of work that will one day disappear by the advancement of computerization, you must bear in mind that there is a good chance that you will lose your job in the near future.
And if you manage a business of that above-mentioned sort you will surely go bankrupt.
It is necessary for you to prepare for the future by finding, from now on, the kinds of jobs that computers will never be able to do and then acquiring the ability to do that job.
One hint for finding such jobs is that computers do not have minds.
Computers can only do things that they are commanded to do.
On the other hand, human beings have a mind, and therefore can understand the minds of other people.
If you understand other peoplefs minds, you can tell what they need and want. This means that even before receiving any instructions from them, you know what you can do to please them.
Also, it is often the case that when you consider things putting yourself in the position of another, you realize many new things, and good ideas occur to you.
Not only that, but when you consider what benefits other people, you will develop sincerity. Then, in turn, from this sincerity, energy will be generated.

This whole process results from the wonderful powers that computers do not possess.
In addition, human beings are able to have tacit interactive understanding with each other.
Human interaction can yield a fulfillment and joy that cannot be measured by money.
Another thing that computers cannot do is to have consideration for others by putting themselves in the position of other people. As a result computers leave a cold impression in humans, the users of computers.
I believe that the only thing that can truly please people is human sincerity.

Business is a form of competition to please other people. Human beings must never be defeated by computers.