Love, Gratitude and Deep Emotion

Human beings have made computers.
Looking at the present situation, however, computers have made our lives convenient on the one hand, but on the other they are beginning to take over our jobs one after another and the number of people who have lost jobs and find it hard to even survive are increasing.
It may be that computers make us humans lazy, debilitate our ability to think and gradually drive us to death.
When it comes to the ability to do some kinds of jobs, we humans are no match for computers.
I am afraid that the time has come for us to seriously think how we can become superior to computers.
The difference between computers and humans lies in the fact that computers can never discover anything.
Without discovery, there is no wonder. Without discovery or wonder, there is no love. Without love, there is neither gratitude nor deep emotion.
Love is to believe that the other personfs feelings are important. It is also being considerate and faithful towards others.
Convenience is not the only thing that should be pursued in the world of humans.
In the world of humans, we often refer to the world of the heart, where we can feel the warmth of human beings. The world of the heart is extremely large and boundless. I believe that true human happiness can be found there.
The doctrine that everything can be achieved by technology is going to destroy the earth and drive us humans to destruction.
I believe that we have to live by turning our eyes towards the world of the heart, which computers do not possess, and by constantly thinking about what human beings are.
I also believe that from now on, businesses may not be able to survive if they are unable to make customers feel the heart and deep emotion in their business.