Let's do everything joyfully

Even if you offer to do a kindness for someone, I'm afraid many people would not be happy to accept it, saying, "No thank you," if you do it grudgingly and with some reluctance.
On the other hand, if someone does anything for us joyfully, we will naturally bow to him or her to show our gratitude.
Feelings of gratitude will naturally be produced in the beneficiary for whatever is done truly wholeheartedly.
The same goes for parents raising children, and children doing kindnesses for their parents. There is a big difference between fulfilling such responsibilities reluctantly and doing them wholeheartedly. If someone performs these things for you with reluctance, then, while you will certainly feel some gratitude, some vague unpleasant feeling will linger somewhere in your heart and prevent you from being completely glad.
In the case of company employees, too, the first victims of personnel reductions are usually those who do not enjoy their work. Management will easily say, "no thank you" to such people.
This is because, if there are such workers in a company, all the employees will become dispirited and the entire atmosphere in the company will become gloomy.
As the first condition for a company to develop successfully is to cultivate an atmosphere of vitality, eagerness is the most important quality for an employee. Working with reluctance is the worst attitude.With such a negative state of mind, one can never do a good job. The worker himself, too, will suffer great stress.
However, when a company recognizes that a particular employee is doing a difficult, demanding job willingly and joyfully, it will feel like paying almost any amount of salary to that person.
People who add vitality to a company are treasures. Companies will feel tremendous gratitude to such people.
Whatever work you do, I believe it most important to do it happily with a wish to give pleasure to others, thereby giving pleasure to yourself.

Whatever they attempt to do, those who seek to escape from reality and lack sincerity, can never do it joyfully. That may be because their minds are sick.