Charging ourselves with physical strength and enthusiasm

Assuming that we graduate from school at the age of 20, and that we live until we are about 100 years old, then age 60 is the middle of our whole life.
I believe that up to now, most people were concerned only with how they should live until they reach the age of 60, assuming that they would have few problems in their lives after that age.
It is from the age of 60, however, that the body starts to become frail. Therefore, life beyond this point must be quite hard.
With the advance of aging in our society, it will be full of elderly people all around us. While young people have plenty of opportunities to work, once they get old there are few jobs for them, even if they want to.
There are surely job opportunities for those who are ready to work as volunteers, but it will be hard to find a paid position.
Unlike volunteer work, if you are to earn money from your job, you have to make others in your workplace feel superior to you. You also have to deliver 120 percent satisfaction to them.
This means you have to display a physical and mental strength and make others feel your eagerness to work. To prepare for this situation, while you are still young, you need to charge yourselves by training yourselves for physical and mental strength.
Consider, for example, buying a car. If it is a brand new car, we don't need to worry much about a breakdown. If it is a secondhand car, however, we never know when it might break down. We have therefore to conclude that even at half the price, buying a used car can turn out to be an expensive deal.
Aged people tend to be regarded in the same way as a secondhand car that have potential weaknesses. But human beings are not cars. Human beings develop human charm as they get older and they therefore become able to provide others with friendly feelings and peace of mind.
It's too late for you to start considering the problems that could arise after the age of 60, after you reach that age.
To be able to display the physical strength and enthusiasm after the age of 60, it is necessary that you charge yourself while you are still young.
To do this effectively, isn't it also necessary to consider again the basic question of what humans are and try to study how we should behave?

In one of Aesop's fables, a grasshopper doesn't think of the arrival of cold winter. I would rather hope that, like the ant in the fable, we should prepare for the winter.