Becoming a good boss

Whether our future is bright or dark rests largely on our encounters with other people.
Employees who are lucky enough to have good bosses grow and develop in their jobs, find their work interesting, achieve good results and earn pay raises.
From the point of view of companies, cultivating many good bosses leads to higher standards in their employees.
I have heard that as one way of creating good bosses, a company asks its employees to evaluate their bosses by grading them "Good" or "Not Good" in 10 categories.
In any event, I believe it may be important before anything else to make clear the picture of what the company thinks is a good boss.
Here is a list of what I think serves as a hint of defining a good boss:
A good boss:
1. Is deeply trusted by subordinates;
2. Has extensive knowledge;
3. Is able to convey the enjoyment of work;
4. Is able to give appropriate advice;
5. Is able to judge the important points and priorities of work;
6. Has a broad perspective of everything in the company;
7. Is insightful;
8. Is able to make decisions quickly;
9. Always tries to work more efficiently;
10. Is aware of costs and profitability;
11. Has leadership;
12. Is able to inspire a sense of harmony and determination;
13. Is flexible and has a sense of humor;
14. Appreciates individuality and knows how to utilize it;
15. Has a strong sense of responsibility;
16. Is sensitive and curious;
17. Is loyal and devoted to the company;
18. Has a sense of balance;
19. Has common sense and the ability to transcend it;
20. Has vision;
21. Is able to gather information;
22. Is able to cultivate smooth relationships with people;
23. Has personal charm;
24. Has many ideas;
25. Is able to study hard; and
26. Has the determination to take up challenges.