Shared values

The most important factors for a company's development is that everybody in the company shares a common set of values.
If individuals in a company have their own values, the company will go bankrupt due to misunderstandings and confusion arising from these different values.
The same thing applies to the human body. Each part of the body functions according to orders from the brain. But if individual organs and limbs start making their own decisions, the body will face major problems. For example, if the stomach and intestines suddenly stop digesting food, or if the hands and feet do not function as the brain wants, it's a serious problem.
The consequences would be disastrous if each part of the body does not obediently follow orders of the brain. Under normal, healthy conditions, the stomach and intestines play their role automatically and well without any special orders.
For both the human body and a company to remain healthy, all the constituents should have a common view on values.
Take the example of cancerous cells that develop in the body. Although they are very energetic, they have totally different views on the body's "values" from those of normal cells and start to multiply based on their own values.
In the same way, those who have different values from those of the other people in a company, however energetic they work, will never bring peace to the company.
Such individuals must be discovered as early as possible and removed from the company. Or else, it will be too late to remove them after their views multiply among their colleagues.
I believe that only those who have common values and work faithfully, obediently and vigorously can be called healthy human resources.