How to teach work

How to teach work
Rather than how to teach work, it’s important how to teach enjoyment of work. It doesn’t work if you show them only on your own. If you step down and let them not to have any complexthen they will learn quick. Work is to remember by doing yourself with curiosity not only being explained. If you let them to like that work is the shortest way to learn. For that you need to be respected.

Come insegnare lavoro
Piu che come lavoro, e importante e per insegnare piacere di lavoro. Non va bene se demonstrare da se. se stai con loro e importante che non il dai un complesso di inferiorita. Poi imparano presto. Puoi imparare solotanto quando dai da te con curiosita. Se fai loro piace quello lavoro e la maniera per imparare. Per quwsto hai besogna di essere rispettato.

Comment est-ce que vous enseignez travail
C’est importante que j’enseigne plasir du travail. C’est inutile meme si je demontre seul. Vous vous trouvez a la place meme avec comme eux et ne devriez pas leur donner de complexe de l’inferiorite. Il l’apprennent tot si ils font donc il. Vous apprendez le travail si vous avez la curiosite per soi. C’est les premier laisser le travail font comme le travail aimrait. Par consequent vous devez etre respectes.

According to what I have learned, Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of the companies with the "National" brand, said in his later years, "I only became lucky after I gathered only lucky people around me. I didn't succeed on my own real strength. More than 90 percent of my success occurred through good luck."